I have just finished reading the book. I read the book because my daughter had related the lead character of the provincial lady to me and it raised my curiosity.
I find the book very natural, amusing and sometimes hilarious. I think it gives quite a true idea of the life of a middle-class house-wife anywhere in the world. It is a tough job to manage to meet the expectations of the family members, servants, social circle under all pervasive psychological and financial strains.
The writing ( largely autobiographical ) becomes interesting and witty because of the frank and honest admissions of the English lady of her thoughts (thought bubbles rather) about various people and situations.
Makes a simple reading but full of wise one-liners as the bottom-line.To quote a few-
*."Why do all schools have to run up new buildings about once in every six months?"
* "Are modern children going to revolt against being modern, and if so, what form will reaction of modern parents take?"
* she wonders 'Social success is seldom the portion of those who habitually live in the provinces. No doubt they serve some other purpose in the vast field of creation--but have not yet discovered that." :)
All her mental notes in the form of queries, memos or conclusions are either witty or humorous or plain messages. Illustrations of characters match her descriptions quite well and prepare ground for the humour.
You know when you initially start reading the book you dont know why its so famous..only when you are past 50 odd pages the wonderful insights about domestic life start propping up